Childe Hassam

“The true impressionism is realism. So many people do not observe. They take the ready-made axioms laid down by others, and walk blindly in a rut without trying to see for themselves.” Childe Hassam

I figure Childe Hassam is an appropriate artist to go with this month’s training report. He was a master of Impressionism with a distinct style. The way he mixed intricate drawing with broken color is particularly impressive.

You might be familiar with his Fifth Avenue paintings owned by the White House. But his landscapes are what captivate me. They remind me of a more refined version of Vincent van Gogh’s work.

Below is a selection of some personal favorites:

You can learn more about his work and life here:

Wikipedia – Childe Hassam

Wikiart – All Childe Hassam Paintings

National Gallery of Art – Childe Hassam

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