Student’s Comments:
What I like:
- One can feel the power of nature (the eucalyptus is 100 years old).
What could be improved:
- I think the line connecting the tree to the ground is too sharp.
Dan’s Comments:
Hi Avi!
Nice painting. It reminds me of this tree painting I did some time ago.
What I like:
- Love the way you painted the tree. It’s not an easy subject with all the curves, contours, highlights, and shadows.
- Nice use of the dark trees in the background to give contrast to the light colors of the feature tree.
- Solid composition, with a strong focal point and a distinct foreground, middle ground, and background.
What could be improved:
- It looks slightly unfinished and could use refining.
- The value relationships are inconsistent. The leaves and shadows on the feature tree are too light in relation to the rest of the painting.
- The curve of the landscape doesn’t read well. Perhaps a hint of land in the far distance along the horizon line might help it read better.
- The lights in the foreground appear too cool.
- Think about how you can work the grass into the feature trees. Make them connected rather than separate parts.
Thanks Avi!