An Odd but Surprisingly Effective Painting Technique

Just a quick one today. I’m sharing an odd but surprisingly effective technique I stumbled upon in my latest painting.

I had a bunch of old paint on my palette from the prior session. Instead of adding new paint, I took a shortcut and worked with the old stuff. It had a slightly dry, gummy consistency. Usually this would be painful to work with, but it worked surprisingly well for the late stage of this particular painting. The strokes were unique and impasto, unlike what you would get with fresh paint.

I’m unsure if this technique of working with slightly dry, gummy paint has many practical uses, but there’s no harm in adding it to your painting tools.

And just goes to show that it’s ok to take shortcuts every now and then. If you get caught up in your own routines, you’ll never stumble across these “happy accidents” as Bob Ross would put it.

Happy painting!

Dan Scott